Friday, May 15, 2009

Reflections: week 15 & 16

~Hello Everyone!!~

Wooow, I cant believe this is my last post. I have to say thank you to my little web-group for all your wonderful insights throughout this semester. Also, to all my classmates for your stories and sharings every week. It was a great class to be a part of, and I am really happy I have had this opportunity to get to know you all better.

So, for this last 2 weeks, I dont have much else to say, but here is a minor break down :)

Week 15:
Sadly, I was gone the day Sue came into the class to talk about 'junking'. But I did really like the last day, where we got to finally venture outside and just chat about the semester as a whole. It was really nice to hear about what everyone else thought about everything we have learned.

Week 16:
Not much to report here, I went home and chilled haha! It was much needed!!

So with that, I hope you are all finding time to unwind and relax. Have a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you all next semester...if not before :) See you!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

~Hey Guys!~

I have to say, my web-group is a wonderful group of kiddos, and their online learning activities did not fail to impress me :) Here were their ideas....

Valerie ~ Health Care Wheel of Fortune

This was a hang-man type of game, where you were given empty boxes of the letters of a word, all the letters of the alphabet to choose from, and a time clock clicking up. If you dont complete the puzzle in the time allotted, then well your just screwed, and rightfully so you dont get to play anymore. I got a score of 337 my first game, and I am just about to start my second one...uh oh, looks like another online game Ill be addicted to. Great, thanks Valerie...

Noah ~ Health IT Puzzle

I really liked Noah's idea, he choose to create something on his own since he couldnt find an activity he liked especially well that was already created. I thought that was awesome! It was very challenging indeed, I am not good at crosswords in the first place (wordfinds tho??...I am queen), so I knew it would be a challenge from the get-go.

Shannon ~ The Food Groups Game

Shannon found a great game online. It is an interactive matching game for kids, where you have foods to drag to their respective group in the food group. I played it, and it was fun for even me ha! The food groups all danced when you completed them, so it was cute :) I could definitely see this being a great tool to teach kids the food groups, and what goes where.

Sara ~ Stop Smoking Quiz

This was a great quiz found by Sara. You answered one question at a time, followed by a bit more info associated with each question. I learned some new things.....
The fact that smoking regularly takes 15 to 25 years from a life is astonishing!! So sad :( And the poor little spermies of men that smoke...all they want to do is swim!! And then they're inhibited by such toxins...another sad fact. But this quiz was great, your right Sara, I did learn many new things from taking it. Good one!!

Great job Web group!! Its been such a pleasure reading your posts all semester :)

Have a wonderful summer!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Advocacy Project: Healthy Kids :)

~Hello Everyone!~

Health in general is an issue that I am very passionate about and really do my best to be such. I really hope someday to be in the position to help others achieve their greatest human potential, and for them to find it from a base of treating themselves respectfully and with gratitude. This is why I chose this topic for my advocacy project focus: Healthy Kids.

As you all know, the issue of overweight children is more prominent now than ever before in history. And more so, if this generation does not learn to behave differently, they will only continue to slide furthur and further down the wrong path. I feel, as a future health educator, knowledge as well as action of what it means to lead a healthy life must be a focus as they get older.

So, I found this great site that has lots of great info and an interactive quiz made just for kids and targets this growing issue. Here are some helpful websites I found that give more information if your interested in reading. Enjoy!!


Facts about heart disease and children
Overweight in children
Fun recipes for kids

~I hope you are all doing well, see you tomorrow!!~

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reflections: week 13 & 14

~Hey Guys~

These 2 weeks were awesome....

Week 11:
We were able to get out of the classroom and to the outdoors this week to learn the ways of the wilderness..which was AMAZING!! I enjoy anytime outside, and this was really cool to me because I remember learning my navigation skills as a Girl Scout, but other than that I'd be screwed in a forest. So that was really cool to get the opportunity to venture in the wild, and learn a little insight into navigation through such.

Week 12:
Ok, so ever since Dr. V. brought on the topic of "Stuff", I find myself looking at things around me differently.... Like.."what else could that box/glass container be used for?"...and..."Reusing this object in this way would help the environment in _______ way".... I have to say, I am pretty dang stooked to have this new mindset. It seems as if this whole semester has really been quite an eye-opening experience for me in this respect, and this last week was no exception. I love this whole concept. Thanks Dr. V.!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and are prime and ready for the home-stretch. FINALLY!!!! Take care....see you in class!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

Samantha Hough
1717 Birds and Bees Ct
Duluth MN, 55812

April 29, 2009

Sen. Amy Klobochar
1200 Washington Ave. S., Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 727-5220

RE: Support for Bill S.581:

Senator Klobochar,

I am a concerned citizen asking for your support in the amendment of the bill S.581. Bill S.581 goes as follows:
A bill to amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to require the excluion of combat pay from income for purposes of determining eligibility for child nutrition programs and the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children.

As is widely known, the obesity rate in the United States has reached a level of major concern. In the past 20 years, obesity rates have continuously increased. Over half of the states are between 25-29%, with three states exceeding the 30% mark. The only state below 20% is that of Colorado as of 2007 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008).

This staggering trend is sure to continue as it has if there is not proper action taken to reverse it. Therefore, I ask for your support in passing the bill S.581, which will remove some of the obstacles that get in the way of properly equipping our youth with leading a healthy future. Funding is an undoubted issue, but in all respect to the health of an individual, it is hardly one to overlook. By supporting this bill, children would more easily receive proper nutrition in schools through school lunches, as well as learn the associated knowledge on the importance of proper nutrition to be able to continue a healthier lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can reach me at (219) 573-2298. I would be more than happy to help you promote the passing of this bill in any way I can.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Samantha Hough

Share and Voice: ALLERGIES!! Uggghhh...

~Hey Guys!~

So, a couple years ago my body decided it was bored and thought it'd be a good idea to start having allergies in Spring. Sweet. Well, every year since (they started about 4 years ago), I have gotten them a little bit worse each year. You can imagine my anticipation of what this spring was going to bring. Low and behold, I thought I was dieing. So it got me to thinking...why is it that just in the past couple years I have gotten them? And why does it seem that each year I get them worse than the last? Hmmm....

I found some answers to my wonderment. Women's Health Magazine had an article on their website discussing this great issue. (you can read the full article on the site above, if youd like) Basically, what they reported was the increase in allergie symptoms of individuals is yet another issue tied into global warming, due to the growing seasons of allergens lengthening each year. This causes the release of pollen and other allergens to come full force 10 to 14 days sooner than 20 years ago. They report that the increase of CO2 in the air is causing weeds (that produce the allergens) to "reproduce like jackrabbits"...I thought that quote was awesome ha! But it totally makes sense. So, if that isnt enough, these released allergens are now kinda like SuperPowered, due to the increased CO2 that is fueling them like mad. OK, sorry for all the science talk.

ALSO... The pollutants in our atmosphere are also affecting this phenomenon. Pollen hitches a ride on the pollution that we inevitably breath in every second of everyday, carrying the little terrants right into, and DEEP into, our lungs.

So this may not be the most interesting of posts, but I found it really helpful in helping me to understand what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks was going on. It just was one more reading that opened my eyes a bit more about the importance of taking care of our planet :)

~Hope your all doing well...see you tomorrow!~

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Share and Voice: Fair-Trade Coffee

~Hello all my lovely classmates :) ~

So weve all heard about "Fair-trade" products, but what does that exactly entitle?? With working in a place that has all fair-trade coffe, as well as our teas, I thought it would be important to share with you a little more about what the whole concept means, and what the benefits are. I gathered my info from this website...check it out.. Global Exchange.

Here's some basic facts about Fair-trade coffee I got from this website:

The term "fair-trade" means, cut and dry, a "equitable and fair" exchange between consumer and producer of products. The main reason behind this concept is to ensure the farmers of the coffe get a fair price for their harvests that will allow them to make a living. These farmers are typically small holders, who are usually poor actually. This is the exact reason this concept of giving them what they deserve is so important. They use the little money they make from being fair-trade for health care for their families, education, to name a few. Currently, coffee is the first product in the US ensured to be produced under fair labor conditions. I find that crazy that this is the only thing, right now, giving back to those who give us our luxuries.

On the website, there are important points as to why fair-trade is essential, and how it benefits basically every part of the exchange. Please look at it, I feel very strongly about supporting such a cause, and I think if everyone knew a bit more about what it actually meant, more would hop on the band-wagon!! (Is that the right word?? You know what I mean!)

~Hope you are all enjoying the weather :) See you soon!!~

Monday, April 20, 2009

Share and Voice: Forest Lake going Green :)

So, I saw a town on the Today Show this morning about Greenburg Kansas being a green town. That got me to thinking....what is MY town doing to be green?? I dont go home much, so I havent been able to personally witness what types of changes they are making to be more environmentally friendly. So I googled it :) Its not much, but this is what I found...kinda cool!!

City of Forest Lake website

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

For my Advocacy Project, I decided to focus on children and the nutrition and health issues that are occuring. I forgot to include the bill I was choosing to work with last post (oops!!) so here is my bill:

S.581: A bill to amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to require the excluion of combat pay from income for purposes of determining eligibility for child nutrition programs and the special supplemental nutrtion program for women, infants and children.
Sponsor: Sen Bennet, Michael F
Committees: Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 3/12/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
My political representative: Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Whew, that was kind of a lot!

I would ask for a vote of YES to support this bill, as I feel it is imporatant for children and families alike to be supported in the area of nutrition and healthy habits beginning in the school settings for children.

Who is affected by the issue?
Those mostly affected by this issue would be the children and their families. I feel just because the kids will have positive changes in their school lunches and the ability to lead healthier lifestyles starting in the schools, and learn the importance of this subject. Children and their families will be those that gain the most from this change. Those negatively affected by this may be taxpayers or government due to the increase in cost it may propose to support this change.

Consequences of this issue...
The positive consequences of this issue would be healthier children, leading healthier lives and making better decisions nutrition wise, thus being more beneficial to them all in the long run. This would also be the case in terms of their families. They will be gaining healthier habits at school, that could directly lead to healthier habits for their families as a whole. I also feel society will benefit from this change as well, as children will learn these habits now and carry them with as they grow and become older, only leading to better society as a whole as well.

Economic Impact...
By this bill being passed, it might make some things more expensive for tax payers as well as governmental supporters, as healthier options tend to be a bit more expensive. So up front and directly this may be something people do not like about this change. But, looking to the big picture, the cost of health care will be decreased for these children later in life as they lead healthier lifestyles and are healthier individuals. Therefore, health care costs will go down as well as insurance.

Social Impact...
The social impact will be similar to that of the economic impact. I just feel this will be an overall great improvement all around, due to healthier livestyles and habits among all, so everyone will benefit on some level.

Barriers to this issue are that people will not support the efforts to improve on this issue. Those who will go against paying the extra cost. To overcome this is by really emphasizing the part of "exclusion of combat pay from income for purposes of determining eligibiltiy for child nutrition programs and the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children." I feel the push of this part of the bill would be useful to combat that barrier.

Resources for this issue would be to educate children about the issue, as well as the reason behind this change so they can bring it outside of the schools. Also, hold meetings and times for parents/gaurdians to attend seminars on the benefits and knowledge behind this issue as well. Therefore, professionals as well as governmental representatives would need to come and talk to the public about this issue, addressing all areas of the bill and the topic.

History of Issue...
President Bush signed a law back in 2004 called Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, which provided more nutritious meals and snacks to children in schools and after school programs.
Another past effort is that of addressing special nutritional needs of some children, such as allergies and diabetes. These are programs for school authoraties to watch and be a part of to better understand these special issues of children. (Meeting Children's Special Food and Nutrition Needs in Child Nutrition Programs.)

Allies & Opponents...
I feel parents/gaurdians, doctors/health practitioners, governmental authorities, school teachers and authorities, and the children themselves would support this issue. I also feel, though, that parents/gaurdians and children might also oppose this issue, as the change might not be so exciting and beneficial to all. Also, schools might not be so pumped about it if they have to pay more for such programs and changes.

I want my policy-makers to vote a strong YES on this issue!!! Go Health!!

Reflection: week 11 &12

Only a few weeks left!! Crazy hey?! Wow... well here is a review of the last 2 weeks :)

Week 11~
We got to watch the documentary, "Unnatural Causes". I felt this movie was great to watch and the concept was very important to learn about. I have heard of how socioeconomic status can play a part in an individuals health status, but I didnt ever realize how significant the whole idea really is. I feel it makes a lot of sense though, putting all the pieces of it together. Its an unfortunate situation all around.

Week 12~
This week was a pretty chill week. We read the article about the good ol' ozone layer closing up...good thing. We also got to see Shar as a teacher, nice work! And we talked about "junking" a little bit, which personally I think is sweet! So Im excited for when that lady comes to share more junking techniques with us, so I myself can become an avid Junker!! Ha, not really, but I do think its cool :)

Well, heres to another week ladies and gents....Have a good one!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Share and Voice: Make your own clothes :)

~Hey Guys~

I was just browsing around on the internet, investigating different ways in which the crazies out there are going green. I came upon this site that lets you design your own clothes! I thought it was so cool! There are many different options you can choose from; mens/womens, infant bibs and outfits, hats, hoodies, t-shirts, long-sleeved, (you can even make thongs!!), animal outfits....the list goes on and on!

So, I played with it and this was one of the numerous ones I designed that I liked the most. I know it ways Kansas as the state, but I couldnt figure out how to get the Minnesota one ha!! But its really cute! Take a look :)

Awww, isnt it nice!! I thought so :) Now if I only had money, Id buy it! Check it out for yourself!

This is my new sign I created :)

living_greener_everyday_ Made with My Cool Signs.Net

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Advocacy Project: Healthy People 2010/THOMAS

~Hello Everyone!~

For my advocacy project, I decided to do a topic that is very near and dear to my heart...Nutrition and Overweight. I decided on this topic because it is an area I am really hoping to get into as a career someday, as I feel proper nutrition is one of the most important aspects to a happy and long life. So, as looking into what Healthy People 2010 have to offer, this is what I found on this topic.....

Healthy People 2010 Goal 19: Nutrition and Overweight

Goal: Increase quality of years of a healthy life
More specifically, I am passionate about proactively dealing with children and the obesity issue. Therefore, I chose Objective 19-3c: Children and adolescents aged 6-19 years.

Here is a little more detail about the progress, disparities, opportunities & challenges, and emerging issues on this topic:

Sadly, this objective I have chosen has shown to have moved away from the target, as the brief statement below (found on the Healthy People 2010 website) reports:
Between 1988–94 and 1999–2002, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years (19-3c) increased from 11 percent to 16 percent, moving away from the target of 5 percent. Identical trends were observed among children aged 6 to 11 years (19-3a).

Race and Ethnicity:
The group with the best rate was white non-hispanic, with Black non-hispanic being the furthest from the best group with 50-99%.
Gender, Income, and Disability:
The group woth the best rate was Female, Higher income level without disabilities. The group furthest from this top group was that of Lower income level (10-49%) Males (<10%).>

Opportunities & Challenges:
There are a few things that are focusing on imporving the health of youth. School wellness policies have been developed throuh out communitites, as well as increased training to food service professionals and nutritional educators. There are also afterschool programs geared more toward healthy eating and physical activity among children, as well as extending to the parents and/or caregivers of these children.

Emerging Issues:
With this phenomenon increasing rapidly, options to fix the problem are beginning to turn toward more drasitic measures, such as surgery. Such sergeries prove to be very dangerous and costly, leading to the primary focus being on prevention as opposed to treatment.

Title: Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.
Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC, NCHS

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

~Hello Everyone :) ~

So, for this Eye Opener, I wanted to do something outside-of-the-box and something different. So I was agonizing over some crazy thing to do and get into, but then it hit me..."I work at one of the most evironmentally friendly places in Duluth"..Duuuuhhh!!

So here, I am on my soap box about Amazing Grace Bakery & Cafe!! If you havent yet, please come check it out someday soon. Its just an easy and enjoyable drive down to beautiful Canal Park. And like I said, we really strive to be environmentally friendly in all aspects of our business. It is a topic stressed heavily at all meetings as well as the theme on many random paper reminders floating around the whole restaurant. Since taking this class, I have really oened my eyes to all we do there pertaining to the environment, and it has helped me to appreciate where I work just that much more.

I took just a couple pictures of some of the big acts we perform to ensure our helping hand in loving the environment instead of hurting it, but there are so many little ways we do things at Amazing Grace that I did not talk about that are making strides in the right direction. So, if you ever come down, take a minute to look around and notice ways in which it is run that help us run a more "green" restaurant.

~Hope to see you there soon!!~

*We proudly serve organic, fair trade Alakef coffee, locally roasted right by Walgreens.

*We have containers available and clearly labled for recyclable objects, you can't miss them!!

*VERY random, but we grow our own grass :) These cute little cups are enlightening every table!

*On each of our to-go cups, there is a little info about environmental issues.

*We get our tomatoes from Bay Produce, which is a local business just across the bridge in Superior, WI.

*In the center of the restaurant, we have an island that contains sugar, napkins, silverware, etc. The sides of this island contain slots where customers put their newspapers after they are finished reading them, available for anyone who does not want to buy a new paper :)

Ok, so I know there is quite a bit goin on here, but I have merely just begun to scratch the surface of what we do here at Grace. I hope you all enjoyed this little insight to my second home, and thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Share and Voice: World's Most Polluted Places

~Sumgayit, Azerbaijan~

So I was looking at Shannon's blog, and she had a post about Earth Day. So I checked out the web-site she had linked to, and investigated a bit. There were a lot of very good things I read and learned about, but one subject really stood out to me and took me by surprise.

One of the topics that stood out the most to me was 'The 10 Most Polluted Places in the World'. I read about these cities, and it was very sad to me. All the problems and the effects of all the activities going on in these places are not only harming the people that live there now, but there is evidence that they will continue to pollute these cities for centuries to come.

There is also the topic of harm on the children of these cities, and the hightened rates of defects among the children growing up around these pollutants. Although it is very interesting, it is very heart breaking. Like its not bad enough that these issues are very real, but in many of the cities discussed, it is pointed out there are no actions being taken to clean up the areas/problems, or any plans to do so in the near future.

Check it out...they are relatively short write ups about each place, but enough to be a definate eye-opener.

Reflections: Week 9 & 10

~Welcome back Everyone!!~

I was astonished that Spring Break was already happening, and now it is two weeks past...I know I sound old but Goodness!! Time is really wizzing past!

So, in week 9 to others, and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone in the class chooses to photograph. we were introduced to the 2 bigger projects we will be doing in this class. As far as the advocacy project, I am still a little bit lost..just a little more investigation and Ill get there :) Then was the Photo Essay Project, which I am really excited for. I think its a cool way to go about relaying information.

As for week 10, it kinda feels like spring break again!! Cant complain right :) I have just been spending the time we are usually in class on checking out peoples blogs and keeping up to date with what you are all sharing. I have also been working on my Photo Essay, so its been nice and relaxing :)

~I hope your all doing well...see you in class :) ~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

President of the United States: Barack Obama
Contact Info:
The White House on CityGuide
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

*picture found at

State Congress Representative: Thomas Huntley (DFL)

Contact Info:

585 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-2228

Congressperson: Yvonne Prettner (DFL)

Contact Info:
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Capital Building, Room G-9
St. Paul, MN 55155-1606
(651) 296-4188

Congressperson: Jim Oberstar (DFL)

Contact Info:
231 Federal Building
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 727-7474


2365 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-6211

MN Governor: Tim Pawlenty (Republic)

Contact Info:
Office of the Governor
130 State Capital
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

U.S. Senator: Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)

Contact Info:
31 Hart Senate Office
Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3244


1200 Washington Ave. S., Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 727-5220

Commissioner: Dennis Fink (DFL)

Contact Info:
Board ChairRoom 208
100 N. 5th Ave. W.
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-2458

City of Duluth Major: Don Ness (DFL)

Contact Info:
Room 402
411 West First St.
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 730-5230

Friday, March 13, 2009

Reflection: Week 7 & 8

~Hello my fellow Care-About-the-Environment-ers!~

SOOOO, end of week 8..beginning of SPRING BREAK!! Whoop whoop!! Ok ok..down to business :)

In week 7, we got the opportunity to watch the documentary "Green." This film was really touching to me. To hear about the ways in which people's lives are altered and harmed by the environment in which they live is heartbreaking. All I could think about when watching it was, "Leave! Move away to somewhere where this is not a problem!!!" But I very much understand this is easier said from an outsiders point of view than acted out by someone in that situation. I feel so bad for those who are imersed in that situation day in and day out, and to those families who have lost loved ones or their health is greatly deteriorated due to the toxins from their food and water. It leads me to wonder why there are even towns still existing around such plants? Once again, it was great to learn about in terms of opening my eyes, but hard to learn about at the same time for the way in which people are suffering.

Week 8 was the film "Thirst." Sadly, we were not able to finish this documentary (dang DVD's!) It was a film I would have liked to see all the way through, mainly because its a real issue that needs attention, and something I am still very foreign to myself. Although we weren't able to finish the film, it then gave us a chance to have a great discussion about this issue, as well as other contraversial topics. Being that I am a person who LOVES good discussions, I really liked to hear other peoples views on this and other issues as well.

Although these two films were not my favorites, they did open my eyes to some issues I had no idea existed before this. I like that!! Just more fuel for the fire of change I would like to be in this world.

~Have a GREAT Spring Break everyone!! Be safe and ENJOY yourselves :)

Rreview of Documentary: Thirst

The beginning of this film caught me by surprise right off the bat....people running, screaming, guns being fired and people being beat on the streets by authority figures. I was sucked in right away. It is so crazy to think this is what some people experience still to this day, and have to be faced with that environment everyday. With authority stepping in and controlling many aspects of their everyday lives..and now even the water available to them?!?!?! WHAT!?!

This film, Thirst, was hard for me to follow, which immediately made me nervous due to the fact that I have to attempt a review on it! SO, please bear with me on this one.... This is an issue that I find enticing and wanting to know more about, so I was frustrated when they were speaking in another language and I could barely see the bottom of the screen. (side note, but it made it hard to follow)

Vandana Shiva wrote a book about privatization around the world, called Water Wars. Dustin VanOverbeke discusses some important points she makes in his article Water Privatization Conflicts. Shiva states the following in her book: "Water must be free for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature's gift and denies the poor of their human rights." I completely agree with this statement, and it is an issue that I feel is so ridiculous that it is hard for me to believe it. But, as we saw in the short amount we got to see of Thirst, is most definitely is an issue that is in need of attention.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed our discussion after the documentary wasn't working on Thursday. As Dr.V. stated, this concept of water privatization is not one that is sustainable when looking down the road long term. Maybe we will never see the real effects of this problem, but a few generations down the line will have many struggles if this is something that begins to take form in this country.

I just feel that this whole topic is once again one based on the concept of greed and a money-hungry group of authorities. As compared to the issue in the documentary "The Future of Food," it is just wrong to put a price and a ownership on a piece of nature. I just find it hard to understand how people can convince themselves that this type of behavior is ok to do to others, and to mother nature in its purest form.

Well, again I have to apologize for this not being the greatest review...the little bit we got to see of the documentary was hard for me to really get a grip on. Hopefully this is an issue that we will not be seeing the actions of, and our beautiful water will remain in its simple form :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

~Hello Everyone!~

I decided to do my investigation on the shampoo I use everyday. I thought this would be an interesting one to look into because my thought was..."Its shampoo~how much can it really affect my health?? Its on the outside of my put in on and wash it off...." Boy was I wrong!!

I use Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine by L'Oreal. I found out that the ingredients in this shampoo are linked to the following:
~Developmental/reproductive toxicity
~Violations, restrictions and warnings
~Other concerns including: Neurotoxicity, Endocrine distruption, organ system toxicity, etc..

WOW, ok, so that was quite alarming to me!! It recieved a score of 7 on the Hazard Scale (out of 10). I also found out they test this product on animals...goodness!! What am I promoting?!?!

The area that really stuck out to me the most was that of Neurotoxicity. When tested on animals (eewww, it makes me cringe to even type that), brain and nervous system damage was reported at even "very low doses" of this product. So, what this means to me, is that someone that uses it everyday is subjecting themselves to moderate to high doses of these ingredients....maybe this could answer some questions for me :) (im kidding!) But for real, thats a bit disturbing to me.

Also, it is obviously evident the harm this product takes on animals, as they are tested with it. That was another area that stood out to me in terms of what effects this product has on the environment.

This got me to thinking....SO I eat organic and do as well as I can to recycle and be kind to the envrionment in most other areas of my daily activities. So I decided the next time I buy shampoo, conditioner and body wash, I am going to try out some new items. I have been looking at the Co-op for their choices, and I feel it is time to invest :)

Hope you all are doing well, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Share and Voice: "Blog-on" Blog Award!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you again to Hannah for giving me the 'Blog-on' Blog Award :) Im was happy to hear you guys found that particular topic equally alarming and shocking. SO, now I get to pass it on! Although I found all of your posts great and interesting, the one that I found myself spending a lot of time indulged in was that of....AUTUMN!!! Woo-whoo!! Her Share and Voice: Gorgeously Green I found was very practical and contained information that we can all benefit from everyday. Not big huge changes, just simple things that will help us all live better everyday, and at the same time help the environment. Congrats Autumn!! It was great to read, thank you for sharing it with us :)

~Award Instructions~

1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award
2. Creat a Share and Voice post that says you've recieved the award and indicate who the award is from
(be sure to hyperlink).
3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use
main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post.
5. Publish the post.
6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
7. Continue the process.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Share and Voice: SMOKING!!

~More Harmful than I thought...~

Ok, so we all know about the harmful affects of smoking...its been drilled into our heads since we can remember. But, what i have found interesting is the little amount we know about how it affects our environment. Well, theres the littering of the butts ($700.00 fine..thanks Sara :) as well as the pollution that goes into the air also. I also was surprised to realize how the manufacurization (is that a word??) of cigarettes. SO, if your interested in reading more about this, take a look :)

How Smoking Affects our Environment

It might not be THE most interesting thing, but I found it kinda striking. Its just crazy because there are so many people that DO smoke, and to think about if they didnt, the benefits that would come from that. I just have never thought of it outside of the normal bubble of smoking.

Reflection: Week 4 & 5

~Hello Everyone!~

So, the end of week 6..whaaat?!?! And its the end of FEBRUARY already!! Wierd!

Well, I personally really enjoyed the last 2 weeks. We mainly just watched the documentaries "Diet for a New America" and "Future of Food". Both of these videos seemed to just suck me right in! I have really enjoyed all of the movies we have watched so far this semester.

The reason for being so into "Diet for a New America" is that I felt it hit on some sensitive areas that affect me on a personal level. Reason being, someone very close and dear to me passed away due to a heart attack...which was a situation that could have been haulted, or at least prolonged, if he had chose to eat better (less saturated fats, heavy meats, and processed foods), he would still be around today. That leads into the second area it pertained to me. Since then, I have chose to eat less meat and processed foods, and I now eat with the focus mainly on vegetables and a plant-based diet. Little did I know how I was personally helping my environment as well with eating less meat and dairy products!! That being said, I found myself really into this film.

The documentary we watched this week (week 6) absolutely broke my heart!!! All I could think about was "Do these people of power have NO moral values?!?!" OK, so I know this is a bit blown out of proportion, but honestly, how can a company/business go about their 'work', knowing it is completely tearing apart families everywhere?! And for what?...MONEY!!! Ick! Also, the things that they are doing to manipulate and change natural, beautiful organisms is disturbing. The way they pumped the poor little fish with chemicals, giving cows feed that are secretly spiked with drugs (and they dont even know it!!), and the way they physically go into the genetic make-up of things and manipulate it!?! Really, did you JUST go out of your way to damage something as pure as nature??? I could go on and on..basically all I want to get across is that it honestly breaks my heart. Maybe I took in way out of context, but that whole area has always made me upset. Just appreciating the beauty of how things are in their natural state, its hard to swallow.

Ok Ok, Im done ranting and raving :) I hope your all doing well, have a nice weekend!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Eye Opener: Review of Reading 20

~News on the Environment Isn't Always Bad~

This article was really very nice to read. Obviously we all know the issues that are all around us, and what our future could turn out to be if we all don't make concious decisions to change. WELL, this particular article happened to open up a new way of looking at our see what
positive events are occuring amongst us :)

This was a relatively short article, so there was not much depth to it. So, my summary will be brief as well, but I will provide you with links to furthur look into the issues that were brought up.

Mark Sappenfield published this article in 2002, and at that time, the big news that just had come out was how Austrailian scientists claimed the hole in the ozone layer was to begin closing in the next three years. Furthur, it would be completely shut by the year 2050 (McKinney, 76).

One example that Sappenfield points out about positive changes happening in the environment is the improvement in the air quality in Los Angeles in the year of 2002. The summer of 2002, LA successfully completed its third summer without a single smog alert, as compared to over 80 back in the years of the 1970's (McKinney, 77). I'd say that's cause for excitement as well!

The greatest example Sappenfield gives is that of the Montreal Protocol, which is an aggreement that is meant to protect the ozone layer, and to help it not get worse. There wasn't much information in this article about the Montreal Protocol. A big stand-out of the end of this article is that now the pressure is being placed upon more than just businesses around the world, and that now it will lie in the hands of every individual.

To take a look at both sides of the coin on this topic, here are some links for you to examine :)

Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies
This website discusses renewable energy sources, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, and the environmental impacts associated with each. Its pretty interesting, check it out!

Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste
This website discucces how electronic waste poses a threat to the environment. When you think about how much of our world is turning to and relying heavily on technological advances more and more, this issue is one of major concern to our future.

So, I have thought about a question that I would like to present to you, and to mill over a bit....
Q. If our constant technological advances are often made to improve our lives and to make things
better for our future, how is it ok to continue them when they hurt the environment so badly?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

This Eye-Opener was pretty cool, it is nice to take a look at how what I choose to eat everyday does in terms of Animal Welfare and Environmentally speaking. Here were my results :)

Health Score: 87
Environmental Score: -10 (Eek!)
Animal Welfare Score: -1 (ok not SO bad)

Grand Total: 76~Excellent

So, over all, Id have to say I am pretty happy that I got an Excellent over all score. This doesn't surprise me, I tend to be very concious of what I eat and am not too big on eating meats. I mainly consume organic food as well, so I feel this score is a good depiction of my life style.

I scored highest in the sections of 'Fruits,' 'Vegetables,' and 'Whole Grains.'
The sections I scored lowest in, and had negative numbers, were 'Cheese' and 'Candy'...I love chocolate!! How can someone live a life without the beautiful delight is BEYOND me :)

The are I would need most improvement in is the area of 'Environmental Score.' I can understand that due to fruits and veggies being grown outside and taking a tool on our environment in that sense. To improve this, I think it would be most beneficial to have my own little garden and area to grow my own crops..this has always been a dream of mine actually!! So hopefully when I get a place of my own, when I become a "grown up" I will have a little area I can do this.

~Overall, I think this is was a cool activity. It is nice to see how I am affecting things around me, and makes me think about how I can help.

Have a nice day :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Share and Voice: ENVIRO-Cool Blog Award!

So I got the honor of recieving the 'Outstanding Blog Award' last week from Ben...thank you so much!! Ben gave it to me for the pictures I posted of my lake in the summer :)

And so now, I get the chance to pass this on to one of YOU! Well one post really stuck out to me this week.....So without anymore stalling, I would like to extend this award to Kathy@Choh's Changing Environment for her awesome pics and Share and Voice about the toilets at school!! Probably the coolest thing EVER! I am very eager to go check them out myself, and see what this whole contraption consists of. Thank you for sharing this with us Kathy, it was very interesting and informative. Its a great step in the right direction!

So Kathy, here are the instructions for passing this lovely award on!

1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
2. Create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of you post.
5. Publish the post.
6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
7. Continue the process.... :)

Share and Voice: World's on Fire

Hello Class :)

I was shown this video this summer and it was something that gave me chills from beginning to end. Everytime I watch it, it still has the same effect. Please watch it closely, take the time to really read what is portrayed on the screen, as the facts will really make you think about what other parts of the world are actually going through. When I watch this, I think about how people living in Hollywood and New York spend rediculous amounts of money, everyday, on themselves and services for them. Luxuries that amount to what could possibly be the difference in life or death for a person in an under-developed country, could put a child through school for a whole year, could feed a village of people for a month.

So please, watch this music video. Watch it again, and again. Listen to the words, read the facts that flash up, look at the people. It is SO compelling. To be honest, my mind completely changed after seeing this. I hope it will have the same effect on you. Enjoy :)

Sarah McLachlan~ 'World's on Fire'


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reflection: Week 3 &4

The last 2 weeks have been very enjoyable in my perspective. I think there were a couple of reasons for this;

1) I have a bit of a better grip on this blogging-life we have going on. I was able to get Dr.V. to show me how to maneuver my way around the Blog-world, and that made some things a lot easier to get done, as well as to be able to see what you all have put up. It has made it a lot nicer and not as stressful. It doesn't seem so overwhelming anymore :) Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not an expert in ANY way!, but it isn't as thank you Dr.V. :)

2) The second main reason is that we got the opportunity to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at watching it when we started it, I guess just due to the fact that I don't know a lot about global warming, and it has been a subject I have shyed away from up to this point. Which definitely puts me in the category of, "It's easier no to know." I am guilty of that. But I am very glad we did watch it. It was very influential on me, and my mind and thoughts toward the whole issue have changed 180. I thought he did a really good job of presenting the information, kind of dumbing it down for normal people to understand. I was hangin on everything he said, and followed what he was saying. It made me really think about the kind of situation we are currently in, and what our future couldbe if we dont conciously make a change. To be honest, it really scares me. Especially for the world my children are going to be living in.

Overall, I enjoyed the last 2 weeks in this class. To think about it, I have already learned a lot in this class in the first 4 weeks. This is a great base for the rest of the semester :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Sunset on the Lake :)

Hey guys :) Well, I was looking through my pictures today, takin' a little trip down memory lane, and came across some of my favorite pictures I have ever taken. These are from a couple summers ago, Im not exactly sure but Im thinking 2005. I had some of my hockey girls bunkin' at my place, and we took some kyaking adventures on my lake in the evening. This was from a particularly calm night, and one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen on my lake. So, to give you a little glimpse into what my summers entail :) Enjoy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Eye Opener: My Ecological Footprint

The first quiz I took for was calculating my Ecological Footprint. I really liked taking this quiz, on a side note besides the great information it was giving me, due to the little person I got to create....she had black spiky hair, green pants, and an orange t-shirt haha!! That was kinda cool :) Ok, down to business. I found out it would take 3.3 earths to provide enough resources if everyone lived like me. That makes me feel so bad!! Our poor planet, and each day it gets worse, I feel like a bully. When broken down, the area that is biggest for me is 'services'. Also astonishing, it takes 14.5 global acres of the Earth's productive area to support my lifestyle. I then looked more into ways I can positively change my habits to help the world around me, and how to lessen my Ecological Footprint. Check this site out for more: earthdaynetwork
The second quiz I took was The Travel Calculator. I feel this one was a bit skewerd, because in the winter I tend to drive each day. But in the summer, I rarely use a car, I walk and bike most everywhere everyday. So I think that one was a little harder to be really accurate. But it was still good to see. According this test, I am worse than average..and yes they put those fabulous words in red which seemed to make it sting that much more! I live just outside of the cities, so to go home it kind of a trek, which is a big part of why my answers turned out the way they did. A good thing is that I dont have to ever fly to get to my family, or anywhere for that matter. Guess its a plus to being so broke you cant afford a vacation :) So I looked at the tips they had on this site as to how I can lessen my harm to the environment by my travel choices. So it was good to see, and I now know a bit more about how to make those little changes when I do drive.
I came across a very interesting finding through one of these websites. I strongly encourage you to check it out: Scorecard. I put in my zip code to find out how we in St. Louis County measure compared to the rest of the world in terms of pollution. Turns out, in 2002 we ranked among the 20% dirtiest counties in the whole US!!!!! Whaaat!?!?! This is a pretty cool site, so I definately encourage you to check it out, and get a better idea of our county as a whole and what effect we are having on our world as a whole. Personally, I find it pretty scary.

A few more websites I found interesting and helpful in this area~
Best Foot Forward

All things considering from my little exercises here, I think I am now going to make sure to do something different each day to make myself and my ecological footprint a little less. That being said, I am going to walk to school today :) Have a good one!