Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

~Hey Guys!~

I have to say, my web-group is a wonderful group of kiddos, and their online learning activities did not fail to impress me :) Here were their ideas....

Valerie ~ Health Care Wheel of Fortune

This was a hang-man type of game, where you were given empty boxes of the letters of a word, all the letters of the alphabet to choose from, and a time clock clicking up. If you dont complete the puzzle in the time allotted, then well your just screwed, and rightfully so you dont get to play anymore. I got a score of 337 my first game, and I am just about to start my second one...uh oh, looks like another online game Ill be addicted to. Great, thanks Valerie...

Noah ~ Health IT Puzzle

I really liked Noah's idea, he choose to create something on his own since he couldnt find an activity he liked especially well that was already created. I thought that was awesome! It was very challenging indeed, I am not good at crosswords in the first place (wordfinds tho??...I am queen), so I knew it would be a challenge from the get-go.

Shannon ~ The Food Groups Game

Shannon found a great game online. It is an interactive matching game for kids, where you have foods to drag to their respective group in the food group. I played it, and it was fun for even me ha! The food groups all danced when you completed them, so it was cute :) I could definitely see this being a great tool to teach kids the food groups, and what goes where.

Sara ~ Stop Smoking Quiz

This was a great quiz found by Sara. You answered one question at a time, followed by a bit more info associated with each question. I learned some new things.....
The fact that smoking regularly takes 15 to 25 years from a life is astonishing!! So sad :( And the poor little spermies of men that smoke...all they want to do is swim!! And then they're inhibited by such toxins...another sad fact. But this quiz was great, your right Sara, I did learn many new things from taking it. Good one!!

Great job Web group!! Its been such a pleasure reading your posts all semester :)

Have a wonderful summer!!


  1. I think it's very interesting that we all get to do each other's activities. It's fun to see what others came up with. I look forward to doing everyone else's activity. They all look fun.
    Nice job Samantha!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post. You were very thorough in your summaries and added fun facts that you learned from each activity. Very creative! I am glad you learned something from all of these. Who would have thought that you could learn and have fun all at the same time. Great job!

  3. Good job Sam, you described everyhting very well. I really enjoyed trying these activities out as it sounds you did too!
