Friday, March 13, 2009

Rreview of Documentary: Thirst

The beginning of this film caught me by surprise right off the bat....people running, screaming, guns being fired and people being beat on the streets by authority figures. I was sucked in right away. It is so crazy to think this is what some people experience still to this day, and have to be faced with that environment everyday. With authority stepping in and controlling many aspects of their everyday lives..and now even the water available to them?!?!?! WHAT!?!

This film, Thirst, was hard for me to follow, which immediately made me nervous due to the fact that I have to attempt a review on it! SO, please bear with me on this one.... This is an issue that I find enticing and wanting to know more about, so I was frustrated when they were speaking in another language and I could barely see the bottom of the screen. (side note, but it made it hard to follow)

Vandana Shiva wrote a book about privatization around the world, called Water Wars. Dustin VanOverbeke discusses some important points she makes in his article Water Privatization Conflicts. Shiva states the following in her book: "Water must be free for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature's gift and denies the poor of their human rights." I completely agree with this statement, and it is an issue that I feel is so ridiculous that it is hard for me to believe it. But, as we saw in the short amount we got to see of Thirst, is most definitely is an issue that is in need of attention.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed our discussion after the documentary wasn't working on Thursday. As Dr.V. stated, this concept of water privatization is not one that is sustainable when looking down the road long term. Maybe we will never see the real effects of this problem, but a few generations down the line will have many struggles if this is something that begins to take form in this country.

I just feel that this whole topic is once again one based on the concept of greed and a money-hungry group of authorities. As compared to the issue in the documentary "The Future of Food," it is just wrong to put a price and a ownership on a piece of nature. I just find it hard to understand how people can convince themselves that this type of behavior is ok to do to others, and to mother nature in its purest form.

Well, again I have to apologize for this not being the greatest review...the little bit we got to see of the documentary was hard for me to really get a grip on. Hopefully this is an issue that we will not be seeing the actions of, and our beautiful water will remain in its simple form :)


  1. Good review, Samantha!
    I agree that it was frustrating to try and follow the documentary when we couldn't see the subtitles. Unfortunately, I think a lot of information was lost because of that. Nevertheless, I agree the documentary did do a good job exposing us to the issue of water privatization. I thought you made a great point saying how it's wrong to put a price on a piece of nature, which is exactly what these people and those who deal with genetically modified organisms are trying to do!

  2. Sam-
    I think I would have done a terrible review on this film since I could never read the sub-titles either and we only got to watch half of it.. so no worries, you did a good job :) I hope the water privatization never becomes an issue for us either! Think about how weird that it would be if it became one... that's crazy to think about. Well what do you know.. I'm blogging during my Spring Break.. haha. Hope the start of your Spring Break is going well :)

  3. Sam-
    I thought you did a great job with this review. I like how you mentioned that Dr. V. said it may not be an issue that we see the effects of, but in a few generations it could be a big deal. Just think how we are dealing with stuff now that past generations didn't care enough about to change or prevent. It really shows us how we can make a difference. --S

  4. Sam,
    Good job! So much of our society is about trying to exploit any little niche there is, in this case trying to control the water, water the one thing that everyone has to have, hardly seems fair. Luckily living in MN we may not have to worry about having water but more about protecting all that we have.

  5. Sam-
    Great job on your movie review! I sure wish we could have finished the movie, but technology isn't perfect I guess. I wonder if Duluth would go through the process of water privatization if we would take a stand. I began asking myself that, and really question myself. Great job!

  6. Samantha

    I was so confused by the beginning of the movie as well, I wasn't sure what we were in for! I hope water privatization is never something that we, here need to think about! Great review (even though you said it was really hard) you did a great job!


  7. Samantha-
    Good review! I think the beginning of the movie really caught my attention! You're right water privatization might not directly affect us right now, but it may be a problem for future generations!

  8. I agree with you about the sub-titles but you did a good job on this one after all=) I also agree that it is just wrong to put a price and a ownership on a piece of nature!!! It's such a crazy concept for me to swallow. I agree with Dr. V. that this wont probably be a problem for our generation but it will be in the future...kind of like how global warming wasn't an issue in the past and now that it is we're trying to do something about it. Good review Sam=)

  9. Samantha-
    I agree I also enjoyed the discussion about the documentary. It helped me fully understand what water privatization is, although it may not be effecting us now in the long run it could have horrible consequences.

  10. Hey Samantha!
    I am glad you were able to do a thorough review considering we didn't even get to watch half of the documentary! BUt yes, the film caught me off guard at first when there was all the screaming and violence in the beginning, it really was shocking to see what this chaos was about! WATER! Again, it is irritating to see all these money hungry group of authorities. It seems like money is the thing that is running this world! This issue does remind me about the Future Of Food because it is an on going debate and question "Can we own and put a price on nature??"
    Good job Samantha!

  11. Great review Sam! I also thought it was EXTREMELY difficult to write a review on this film...but you did just fine:) The film also caught me off guard for I didn't even know that this existed in the first place! Your right about water prioritization is a huge deal now that people do not realize. Im glad this was brought to attention! Good job and see you soon;)

  12. Good review! I think the beginning of this film was alarming. People shedding blood for water!? Also, putting a price on something that is our right as a human! It all seems a little crazy to me. I can't imagine what that would be like.

  13. Hey again Sam! Yah it was hard to think about this problem from a local stand point, seeing as we have a giant lake right next to us. But while the whole issue was confusing at times, it id definitely one that people need to think about more, including myself! Have a good one!


  14. Sam-

    Great review.. It would have been nice if we got to watch the whole movie and see what happened at the end. Just knowing that the gorvernment has that much power to own water is scary and sad.

  15. I also found the beginning very scary and attention getting. I was shocked that this is how issues are being dealt with. I also was frustrated with the fact that this documentary was in a different language, becuase I also could not the subtitle. I really wish I could have read what these people were thinking and feeling about this situation. I really enjoyed the quote that you included in your review. I totally agree that "Water must be free for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature's gift and denies the poor of their human rights." I agree with you that this issue seems ridiculous. We are so greedy!

  16. Hey Samantha!

    I also thought this documentary was a little tougher to follow, however it did get my attention, especially the beginning. Although this documentary was in a different language, I kind of like how they produced this way because it gives it a more real feel (maybe it's just me). I agree with you 100% when you say this topic is derived from greed and money-hungry authority. How it's wrong that people are trying to own a piece of nature, and in this case, the most IMPORTANT piece of nature! I don't you should apologize for anything because I really enjoyed your review! So good job Samantha!

  17. I agree, I don't think this is something that may make a drastically noticeable appearance with our generation but maybe for our children or our children's children. So I hope we are able to take care of the situation in our generation so that future generations have one less thing to worry about. Nice review Samantha!

  18. I agree with you Samantha, the thought of water priviation based on the concept of greed and a money-hungry group of authorities. I wonder if these people even think of their freinds or families when they come up with issues like these. Good job on you post!

  19. Samantha,
    I agree with your comment, "Maybe we will never see the real effects of this problem, but a few generations down the line will have many struggles if this is something that begins to take form in this country." The human race as a whole needs to stop thinking of themselves. We need to think of future generations. We need to put some thought into the legacy we are leaving for future generations to remember us by!

  20. I agree with you when you say that this problem is centered around money and greed of a lot of people... I think that a majority of our nation's issues exist because of greed and people wanting to control others. Problems like this cannot revolve around money, it's time to think of our futures and the people we are going to effect by our decisions...

  21. Nice work! It's crazy to think how companies are actually taking over something that everyone has a right to. It's also interesting to see how areas with little water have comeup with simple ideas to conservse the little water they have. It's good to see that the people in Stockton are standing up against the big companies.

  22. Great post Sam!! I really think it is stupid to be putting a price on something that is necessary to live but if you look at in the eyes of the business man/woman you can see why they would want to put a price on cause we cant live with out which means big bucks for them!! Keep up the good work!!
