Monday, April 27, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

Samantha Hough
1717 Birds and Bees Ct
Duluth MN, 55812

April 29, 2009

Sen. Amy Klobochar
1200 Washington Ave. S., Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 727-5220

RE: Support for Bill S.581:

Senator Klobochar,

I am a concerned citizen asking for your support in the amendment of the bill S.581. Bill S.581 goes as follows:
A bill to amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to require the excluion of combat pay from income for purposes of determining eligibility for child nutrition programs and the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children.

As is widely known, the obesity rate in the United States has reached a level of major concern. In the past 20 years, obesity rates have continuously increased. Over half of the states are between 25-29%, with three states exceeding the 30% mark. The only state below 20% is that of Colorado as of 2007 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008).

This staggering trend is sure to continue as it has if there is not proper action taken to reverse it. Therefore, I ask for your support in passing the bill S.581, which will remove some of the obstacles that get in the way of properly equipping our youth with leading a healthy future. Funding is an undoubted issue, but in all respect to the health of an individual, it is hardly one to overlook. By supporting this bill, children would more easily receive proper nutrition in schools through school lunches, as well as learn the associated knowledge on the importance of proper nutrition to be able to continue a healthier lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can reach me at (219) 573-2298. I would be more than happy to help you promote the passing of this bill in any way I can.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Samantha Hough

Share and Voice: ALLERGIES!! Uggghhh...

~Hey Guys!~

So, a couple years ago my body decided it was bored and thought it'd be a good idea to start having allergies in Spring. Sweet. Well, every year since (they started about 4 years ago), I have gotten them a little bit worse each year. You can imagine my anticipation of what this spring was going to bring. Low and behold, I thought I was dieing. So it got me to thinking...why is it that just in the past couple years I have gotten them? And why does it seem that each year I get them worse than the last? Hmmm....

I found some answers to my wonderment. Women's Health Magazine had an article on their website discussing this great issue. (you can read the full article on the site above, if youd like) Basically, what they reported was the increase in allergie symptoms of individuals is yet another issue tied into global warming, due to the growing seasons of allergens lengthening each year. This causes the release of pollen and other allergens to come full force 10 to 14 days sooner than 20 years ago. They report that the increase of CO2 in the air is causing weeds (that produce the allergens) to "reproduce like jackrabbits"...I thought that quote was awesome ha! But it totally makes sense. So, if that isnt enough, these released allergens are now kinda like SuperPowered, due to the increased CO2 that is fueling them like mad. OK, sorry for all the science talk.

ALSO... The pollutants in our atmosphere are also affecting this phenomenon. Pollen hitches a ride on the pollution that we inevitably breath in every second of everyday, carrying the little terrants right into, and DEEP into, our lungs.

So this may not be the most interesting of posts, but I found it really helpful in helping me to understand what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks was going on. It just was one more reading that opened my eyes a bit more about the importance of taking care of our planet :)

~Hope your all doing well...see you tomorrow!~