Thursday, February 26, 2009

Share and Voice: SMOKING!!

~More Harmful than I thought...~

Ok, so we all know about the harmful affects of smoking...its been drilled into our heads since we can remember. But, what i have found interesting is the little amount we know about how it affects our environment. Well, theres the littering of the butts ($700.00 fine..thanks Sara :) as well as the pollution that goes into the air also. I also was surprised to realize how the manufacurization (is that a word??) of cigarettes. SO, if your interested in reading more about this, take a look :)

How Smoking Affects our Environment

It might not be THE most interesting thing, but I found it kinda striking. Its just crazy because there are so many people that DO smoke, and to think about if they didnt, the benefits that would come from that. I just have never thought of it outside of the normal bubble of smoking.


  1. I absolutely HATE smoking and find it the most disgusting thing ever... so I really enjoyed this post :) I can't believe cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals which are exhaled and released into the air and the atmosphere... SIIIIIICK!

  2. It is so disgusting to see people litter, and cigarette butts are even worse!!! If only we were able to quite smoking collectivly as a society. The fact that second hand smoke kills the unwilling participants is a very sad note. Just think about how there are millions of cigarette butts laying around the world releasing their chemicals into the air and ground. Disgusting!!!

  3. This is an excellent post!

    Check out the award for you on my blog! :)

  4. Great post! I guess I really didn't think much about what smoking did to the environment. I just have always know that I hate it and it makes me feel sick to be around smokers. I also knew that smoking can cause lung cancer and other negative effects to smokers and the people around them. Another thing that I hate about smoking is all of the litter it produces. I don't understand why smokers think that is ok to just throw their cigarette butts everywhere. How RUDE!!!!! So, thanks for the post! Very interesting.

  5. I hate smoking too and understand that it's bad for the environment. I hope the university starts to fine the people smoking on campus for littering! Then they'll consider not smoking next time=)
