Friday, May 15, 2009

Reflections: week 15 & 16

~Hello Everyone!!~

Wooow, I cant believe this is my last post. I have to say thank you to my little web-group for all your wonderful insights throughout this semester. Also, to all my classmates for your stories and sharings every week. It was a great class to be a part of, and I am really happy I have had this opportunity to get to know you all better.

So, for this last 2 weeks, I dont have much else to say, but here is a minor break down :)

Week 15:
Sadly, I was gone the day Sue came into the class to talk about 'junking'. But I did really like the last day, where we got to finally venture outside and just chat about the semester as a whole. It was really nice to hear about what everyone else thought about everything we have learned.

Week 16:
Not much to report here, I went home and chilled haha! It was much needed!!

So with that, I hope you are all finding time to unwind and relax. Have a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you all next semester...if not before :) See you!!!