Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reflection: Week 3 &4

The last 2 weeks have been very enjoyable in my perspective. I think there were a couple of reasons for this;

1) I have a bit of a better grip on this blogging-life we have going on. I was able to get Dr.V. to show me how to maneuver my way around the Blog-world, and that made some things a lot easier to get done, as well as to be able to see what you all have put up. It has made it a lot nicer and not as stressful. It doesn't seem so overwhelming anymore :) Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not an expert in ANY way!, but it isn't as thank you Dr.V. :)

2) The second main reason is that we got the opportunity to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at watching it when we started it, I guess just due to the fact that I don't know a lot about global warming, and it has been a subject I have shyed away from up to this point. Which definitely puts me in the category of, "It's easier no to know." I am guilty of that. But I am very glad we did watch it. It was very influential on me, and my mind and thoughts toward the whole issue have changed 180. I thought he did a really good job of presenting the information, kind of dumbing it down for normal people to understand. I was hangin on everything he said, and followed what he was saying. It made me really think about the kind of situation we are currently in, and what our future couldbe if we dont conciously make a change. To be honest, it really scares me. Especially for the world my children are going to be living in.

Overall, I enjoyed the last 2 weeks in this class. To think about it, I have already learned a lot in this class in the first 4 weeks. This is a great base for the rest of the semester :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Share and Voice: Sunset on the Lake :)

Hey guys :) Well, I was looking through my pictures today, takin' a little trip down memory lane, and came across some of my favorite pictures I have ever taken. These are from a couple summers ago, Im not exactly sure but Im thinking 2005. I had some of my hockey girls bunkin' at my place, and we took some kyaking adventures on my lake in the evening. This was from a particularly calm night, and one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen on my lake. So, to give you a little glimpse into what my summers entail :) Enjoy!