Monday, February 23, 2009

Eye Opener: Review of Reading 20

~News on the Environment Isn't Always Bad~

This article was really very nice to read. Obviously we all know the issues that are all around us, and what our future could turn out to be if we all don't make concious decisions to change. WELL, this particular article happened to open up a new way of looking at our see what
positive events are occuring amongst us :)

This was a relatively short article, so there was not much depth to it. So, my summary will be brief as well, but I will provide you with links to furthur look into the issues that were brought up.

Mark Sappenfield published this article in 2002, and at that time, the big news that just had come out was how Austrailian scientists claimed the hole in the ozone layer was to begin closing in the next three years. Furthur, it would be completely shut by the year 2050 (McKinney, 76).

One example that Sappenfield points out about positive changes happening in the environment is the improvement in the air quality in Los Angeles in the year of 2002. The summer of 2002, LA successfully completed its third summer without a single smog alert, as compared to over 80 back in the years of the 1970's (McKinney, 77). I'd say that's cause for excitement as well!

The greatest example Sappenfield gives is that of the Montreal Protocol, which is an aggreement that is meant to protect the ozone layer, and to help it not get worse. There wasn't much information in this article about the Montreal Protocol. A big stand-out of the end of this article is that now the pressure is being placed upon more than just businesses around the world, and that now it will lie in the hands of every individual.

To take a look at both sides of the coin on this topic, here are some links for you to examine :)

Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies
This website discusses renewable energy sources, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, and the environmental impacts associated with each. Its pretty interesting, check it out!

Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste
This website discucces how electronic waste poses a threat to the environment. When you think about how much of our world is turning to and relying heavily on technological advances more and more, this issue is one of major concern to our future.

So, I have thought about a question that I would like to present to you, and to mill over a bit....
Q. If our constant technological advances are often made to improve our lives and to make things
better for our future, how is it ok to continue them when they hurt the environment so badly?


  1. You did a great job on your post! I agree that it is refreshing to hear about the good things that are going on in our environment. I had no idea that the whole in our ozone layer is closing and that they predict it will be closed by 2050. How exciting! Also, it is wonderful that LA's air quality is greatly improving, and that in 2002, they didn't have any smog alerts. Woohoo!!! This makes me feel that some people actually are taking care of the environment, and that is great. Great question, by the way. It is really interesting to see that our increase in technology is actually hurting the environment. I think that we should use our knowledge in technology and find something that can help our environment.

  2. Good post!
    It's great to hear good news about the environment in this class. It really makes see that we can achieve our environmental goals. Good question I wish I could answer it. It is very interesting now that I think about it.

    See you in class!!

  3. It's awesome to see that people are starting to realize the situation we have gotten ourselves into. They notice that all the little things we do can effect our environment for better or worse. We were able to grapple the problem of ozone depletion which at the time many people were very worried about. So I don't think the extent of global warming should seem out of reach to conquer. Great post Samantha!

  4. Finally something GOOD to read about! Thats awesome that LA improved their air quality and that the Montreal Protocol was developed. To answer your question, its not ok to keep advancing in technology while its hurting our enviornment. We need to be dedicated in finding ways to make advancements while keeping our effects on our earth a top priority. Good job Samantha!
