Friday, March 13, 2009

Reflection: Week 7 & 8

~Hello my fellow Care-About-the-Environment-ers!~

SOOOO, end of week 8..beginning of SPRING BREAK!! Whoop whoop!! Ok ok..down to business :)

In week 7, we got the opportunity to watch the documentary "Green." This film was really touching to me. To hear about the ways in which people's lives are altered and harmed by the environment in which they live is heartbreaking. All I could think about when watching it was, "Leave! Move away to somewhere where this is not a problem!!!" But I very much understand this is easier said from an outsiders point of view than acted out by someone in that situation. I feel so bad for those who are imersed in that situation day in and day out, and to those families who have lost loved ones or their health is greatly deteriorated due to the toxins from their food and water. It leads me to wonder why there are even towns still existing around such plants? Once again, it was great to learn about in terms of opening my eyes, but hard to learn about at the same time for the way in which people are suffering.

Week 8 was the film "Thirst." Sadly, we were not able to finish this documentary (dang DVD's!) It was a film I would have liked to see all the way through, mainly because its a real issue that needs attention, and something I am still very foreign to myself. Although we weren't able to finish the film, it then gave us a chance to have a great discussion about this issue, as well as other contraversial topics. Being that I am a person who LOVES good discussions, I really liked to hear other peoples views on this and other issues as well.

Although these two films were not my favorites, they did open my eyes to some issues I had no idea existed before this. I like that!! Just more fuel for the fire of change I would like to be in this world.

~Have a GREAT Spring Break everyone!! Be safe and ENJOY yourselves :)


  1. I can see you were very excited for spring break.! :) I was very excited as well of course, considering spring is my favorite season.
    The last two documentaries we watched were very interesting just like the other ones. I was more moved by "Green". And it was unfortunate we couldn't finish "Thirst", but it provided enough info for a new topic that made me ponder.

  2. Hey Sam!
    Yeah it sucks that we weren't able to finish the film. It would have been nice to see how they finished it. Have a good one!


  3. I also found the film "Green" very touching. It was incredibly sad to see the conditions that these people are living in. I also just wanted them to get, and had trouble understanding why they would just stay around the dangerous chemical plants. But I also realize, that getting out is easier said than done. I just really broke my heat to see that. I also don't understand how our government is still getting away with doing this. There should not be areas that people are living in that poison people. How is this going on??? Great reflection!!!

  4. I had the same reaction to the film Green, I thought to myself why would you stay and live in a dangerous place? But Im sure it's a lot easier said than done and none of us could possibly know what those families are going through. I have liked some of the other films more that these last 2 as well but they still had a lot of good information, Nice Post

  5. Hey Sam! Watching the film "Green" made me think about how hard it must be for people living around cancer alley. I don't doubt that they wake up wishing they could pack up there things and drive off to a nicer community for them and their kids but have the problem of money standing in the way. I thought the two weeks were very insightful. Nice reflection!
