Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Share and Voice: Fair-Trade Coffee

~Hello all my lovely classmates :) ~

So weve all heard about "Fair-trade" products, but what does that exactly entitle?? With working in a place that has all fair-trade coffe, as well as our teas, I thought it would be important to share with you a little more about what the whole concept means, and what the benefits are. I gathered my info from this website...check it out.. Global Exchange.

Here's some basic facts about Fair-trade coffee I got from this website:

The term "fair-trade" means, cut and dry, a "equitable and fair" exchange between consumer and producer of products. The main reason behind this concept is to ensure the farmers of the coffe get a fair price for their harvests that will allow them to make a living. These farmers are typically small holders, who are usually poor actually. This is the exact reason this concept of giving them what they deserve is so important. They use the little money they make from being fair-trade for health care for their families, education, to name a few. Currently, coffee is the first product in the US ensured to be produced under fair labor conditions. I find that crazy that this is the only thing, right now, giving back to those who give us our luxuries.

On the website, there are important points as to why fair-trade is essential, and how it benefits basically every part of the exchange. Please look at it, I feel very strongly about supporting such a cause, and I think if everyone knew a bit more about what it actually meant, more would hop on the band-wagon!! (Is that the right word?? You know what I mean!)

~Hope you are all enjoying the weather :) See you soon!!~

1 comment:

  1. Huh....that is really interesting. I have heard of Fair Trade products but honestly had no idea that they were anything special. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I think it is about time that farmers receive what they deserve for their products, and I am shocked that coffee is the first product in the US that is ensured under fair labor conditions. This really needs to catch on. Thanks to your post...I will now be keeping a look out for fair trade products, because I really support what they are doing. Great post!
